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At EDUopinions, our student-centric hub features genuine, verified reviews that echo the real experiences of university students worldwide. If you're enthusiastic about education and have a blog/network of other students/are active on social media, then our Student Ambassador program might be for you!

Your Mission:

As a Student Ambassador, your role involves inspiring honest reflections on academic experiences through a dynamic review collection process. You will have the chance to craft innovative campaigns to connect with students and alumni globally, utilizing both digital and offline channels. 

Who We're Looking For:

  • Marketing Savyv: Background in marketing or communication? You're already halfway there!
  • Creative: Embrace your entrepreneurial spirit; find inventive ways to drive results.
  • Independent: You thrive in autonomy, delivering results with minimal supervision.
  • Sociable Connector: Your networking skills are top-notch, making you the perfect influencer.


  • Remote Flexibility: Work from anywhere, anytime, at your own pace.
  • Performance Rewards: Competitive pay tied to your impact—rewarding your efforts with every success.
  • Resume Enrichment: Gain invaluable experience and a shining letter of recommendation.

To Apply:

  • Fill out a brief form and check out the review steps to familiarize yourself with EDUopinions.
  • Once you activate your EDUopinions business account, you're set to kick off your mission.
  • Easy, virtual onboarding to help you succeed.

Ready to revolutionize student voices? Join EDUopinions and shape the future of higher education!