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inkl is on a mission to take the ‘ew’ out of ‘news’. Unlike other tech platforms, we deliver news that people can trust and use - without paywalls, ads, clickbait, fake news, filter bubbles, or trolls.

Our unique content partnerships (with publishers like The New York Times and Economist), and distinct approach to algorithms and design have led to a service that is one of the most highly-rated in the app store. Almost 50% of readers read the news on inkl 5 or more days a week. And on average readers spend more than twice as much time with inkl than any other news app in the world. A lot of companies talk about being customer-centric. In our case we let the numbers do the talking.

Our job is to inform people around the world. And we’re already in use by readers in every country … except North Korea (we’re working on it). We’re a geographically erse team with colleagues in Australia, India, Sri Lanka, Turkey, Kenya, and Italy. And we’re growing fast. 

We’re looking for a Graphic Designer who can deliver creative, clear and compelling visuals to help people get to know and remember the inkl brand. In other words, you’ll be developing the face and personality of a service that people in every country around the world will use everyday - that’s work with impact!

What’s the work exactly?

  • Create content to support our Marketing function. This means landing pages, ads, flyers, posters, social media assets - basically all the things that can be used to introduce inkl’s game-changing service to new readers
  • Work closely with the News team. This involves building visuals to accompany editorial pieces (e.g., charts, graphs, infographics) and help people better understand the news
  • Lend your style to the Product. This includes visuals and illustrations that will become a part of inkl’s apps, websites, and emails. For example, empty state messages, visuals for onboarding flows, cover art for news sections / topics 
  • You’ll be working directly with stakeholders across the business, and the world
  • You’ll also be in charge of making sure that everyone is following your guidelines and staying consistent with the visual direction and language you develop

About You:

  • 3-5 years graphic design experience in an agency or an in-house design team
  • Strong knowledge of high-performing digital design (e.g, ads / landing pages)
  • Highly efficient and reliable; able to work effectively with remote colleagues
  • Able to present ideas, accept feedback, and work collaboratively
  • Can set and meet deadlines, while delivering high-quality work
  • Can be counted on to come up with, and implement, new ideas and concepts
  • Hungry as anything

Bonus Points For:

  • Video / motion graphics experience (for the socials)
  • Copywriting experience (to produce killer ads and landing pages)
  • Drawing / illustration skills

What’s it like to work with us?

We’re a team of passionate experts. We all have proven track records in our respective domains. And we’ve come together to build this fast-paced, transparent, meritocratic place where ambitious people do work that is important and rewarding to them.

We work best with people who are the best in the world at what they do, and want to be around others who are the same. Our philosophy is to give each person the context, freedom and support they need, and then get out of their way so they can perform at peak output. If this sounds like you, and something you’d like to be a part of, we’d love to hear from you.