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SafetyWing 5 months ago
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< class="external-panel__trix-content external-panel__trix-content--colored external-panel__trix-content--lead-in">Our team thrives on creativity, innovation, and collaboration, and we're seeking a skilled Product Engineer.
At SafetyWing, we do not have a strong ision between tech and product - we are all part of product development and participate in strategic decisions for the company. We believe this is the path to creating great products. 
We are on a mission to remove the role of geographical borders as a barrier to equal opportunities and freedom for everyone. And we are doing that by creating simple health, insurance, and retirement products for remote workers worldwide as a replacement for national welfare systems.
In this role, you'll be able to shape our product's future and drive impactful changes.

💻 Languages and technologies we use:

< class="external-panel__trix-content external-panel__trix-content--colored">
  • TypeScript with React and NextJS.
  • State management with Redux Toolkit and React Query.
  • Styled Components and Tailwind for styling.
  • Kotlin (and some Java) with Micronaut.
  • MySQL (with Hibernate and Liquibase).
  • Hosted on Google Cloud with k8s.

🧪 We are looking for someone who has:

< class="external-panel__trix-content external-panel__trix-content--colored">
  • A strong grasp of TypeScript, React and Next.js.
  • Hands-on experience building complex user-facing features with beautiful and scalable UI components.
  • A keen eye for design aesthetics that will contribute to creating visually pleasing interfaces.
  • Enthusiasm for staying up-to-date with the latest industry trends and a curiosity to explore and incorporate new developments into your work.
  • Solid understanding of performance optimisation techniques, server-side rendering and SEO principles.

🧘 What we offer

< class="external-panel__trix-content external-panel__trix-content--colored">We operate in a fully remote work environment – work from anywhere globally. 
You will receive salary and equity compensation, premium health insurance that works in most countries worldwide, travel insurance, a laptop, an office stipend, a minimum of four weeks of vacation per year, and a personal development budget.
Also, we have fantastic annual team gatherings. The previous ones were in  Ljubljana, San Francisco, Mexico, Bali and Iceland. 
We are looking forward to hearing from you!

About SafetyWing

< class="external-panel__trix-content external-panel__trix-content--colored">SafetyWing was founded to support nomads like ourselves by building an adaptable software-based global social safety net.
Our products are created by a fully remote team distributed across the globe and stretching ten timezones while headquartered in San Francisco.
We’re here to remove the role of geographical borders as a barrier to equal opportunities and freedom for everyone. Please mention the word ADAPTIVE when applying to show you read the job post completely (#RMjYwMDozYzAxOjpmMDNjOjkyZmY6ZmUyMzo0NDNm). This is a feature to avoid fake spam applicants. Companies can search these words to find applicants that read this and instantly see they're human.

Salary and compensation

$80,000 — $130,000/year


🌎 Distributed team

🚑 Medical insurance

🏖 Paid time off

🏔 Company retreats

📚 Learning budget

🖥 Home office budget