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Subspace Labs 8 months ago
location: remotework from anywhere
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Protocol Engineer (Distributed Systems)




We are seeking a core Protocol Engineer to help implement the Subspace Network, a radically decentralized, next-generation blockchain written in Rust, using the Substrate framework. Subspace employs a novel proof-of-storage consensus algorithm and a decoupled execution framework, which allows it to scale far beyond existing blockchains, without sacrificing security or decentralization. Subspace Labs is an early-stage, venture-backed startup with a globally distributed team. To learn more visit our website and read the technical whitepaper.

Your Responsibilities

  • Become a leading contributor and core maintainer of the Subspace Network
  • Implement a series of novel consensus, execution, and scalability proposals
  • Maintain the highest standards of distributed open-source software development including modular design, comprehensive testing, proper documentation, and responsive support

Key Requirements:

  • Experience with current blockchain technologies and landscape
  • Theoretical background in distributed systems, such as consensus algorithms, as well as cryptographic fundamentals
  • Strong Rust programming skills are required, including experience with production-ready code
  • Experience working with large open-source codebases

Bonus Experience:

  • Familiarity with Substrate and the Polkadot ecosystem
  • Experience implementing blockchain consensus protocols
  • A passion for decentralized, peer-to-peer systems and Web3 technologies

What We Offer

  • The ability to work from anywhere in the world
  • A competitive salary with generous equity and token grants
  • Medical, dental, and vision insurance (US-based only)
  • A unique opportunity to shape the future of the internet
  • Team off-sites in various locations around the globe