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Anarchy 7 months ago
ca / de / bg / pl / fr / es / br / in / jp / at / gb / ua / gr / tr / pt / no / it / hr / se / mx / ar / cl / pe / nl / be / hu / cz / sk / si / fi / gl / dk / ee / lv / lt / ro / al / rs / mk / mt / ke / za / remote (ca; de; bg; pl; fr; es; br; in; jp; at; gb; ua; gr; tr; pt; no; it; hr; se; mx; ar; cl; pe; nl; be; hu; cz; sk; si; fi; gl; dk; ee; lv; lt; ro; al; rs; mk; mt; ke; za)intern
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Anarchy is looking for an organized and proactive professional to join our executive team as an executive assistant intern.

You will provide day-to-day support to Anarchy's leadership and our existing executive team.

Key Responsibilities

* Organizing, devising, and assisting with meetings and events, assisting with note-taking, research, and following up with relevant actions.

* Assist with special projects as needed.
* Maintain and organize digital and physical files, ensuring easy access to critical documents.
* Assist in preparing presentations and documents for meetings and pitches.
* Devise and coordinate internal and external marketing materials for AI Developers.


* Currently Pursuing a bachelor's degree or equivalent.

* Native-level English fluency.
* Strong communication and organizational skills.
* Adaptability in a fast-paced startup environment.
* Proficiency in digital tools and platforms.
* A proactive attitude with an eagerness to learn and grow.
* Located outside the USA.
* Exceedingly Friendly
* Team-player
* Experience building communities

Office Life & Perks

Located between Hayes Valley SF and Zurich Switzerland, Extensional firmly believes in hybrid work. We sponsor yearly off-sites to ski-chalets in the alps and frequently enjoy the team-building powers of the Redwoods and Sonoma.
