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Lightdash 3 months ago
fulltimegb / us / fr / it / pt / es / de / nl / se / no / fi / is / dk / lu / be / at / remote (gb; us; fr; it; pt; es; de; nl; se; no; fi; is; dk; lu; be; at)
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About the role

At Lightdash, we’re obsessed with the success of our users. Our fast and technical analytics support is one of our superpowers today. It covers everything from building dashboards and writing SQL to analytics engineering best practice. If you have a passion for helping teams win with data, we’re looking for our first Analytics Engineering Advocate to join the Lightdash team.

Our users’ experience of Lightdash goes beyond our product features and includes every touchpoint and interaction they have with the community and team. In this role, you’ll be the voice for our community and responsible for our users’ questions related to Lightdash, best practice in BI and analytics engineering.

Areas of Responsibility:

* Obsess over the success of our users: Our users’ wins are our wins. We want to keep building on our technical support that our community and customers know and love. You’ll provide in-depth, personalised answers and pair program with users to solve their analytics problems and pull in other Lightdash team members when needed.

* Lightdash champion: You’ll be the go-to Lightdash pro at Lightdash and in the community. You’ll keep up with our latest features and know how to use them (you’ll be using Lightdash at Lightdash regularly!) and you’ll make sure to share this knowledge with the community. You’ll also represent the company at community events, conferences, and meet ups.
* Teach and share: Create and deliver world class tutorials and demos for Lightdash as well as examples of best-practice for data analytics. These could be blog posts, video tutorials, or code examples.
* Community strategy: Building and executing strategies to grow and engage the analyst community around Lightdash.


* Experience with business intelligence and analytics engineering

* Strong verbal and written communication skills
* Comfortable with dbt, SQL, git, data visualization, and the command line

KPIs owned by the role (WIP):

* Community size and engagement

* Customer support response times and NPS
* Content published and hits
* Product signups and retention
